Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The New BabyLock Ellisimo Gold Truely One of a Kind!

Without question the BabyLock Ellisimo Gold is the most "feature rich & user friendly" sewing & embroidery machine ever made!

TruView™ ASV LCD Color Touch Screen in HD
•Shows over 16 million colors and 480 x 800 pixels
•Measures 8.5" diagonally
•160 degrees for optimum viewing

Exclusive NeedleCam™ For Scanning and Flawless Positioning
NeedleCam™ Digital Camera for perfect embroidery and sewing positioning
Embroidery Editing and Resizing

Sometimes it’s the tiniest details that really pull a project together, and other times you need a super-sized image for a large task. With the Ellisimio Gold, you can reduce your images down to 60% or increase them up to 200%.
This is just a small taste of what can be done with the BabyLock Ellisimo Gold!

Stop into our store for a demo today!