Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's New at Findlay's in Orchard Plaza!

So here I go. I have never written on or been part of a blog/news before. But what I have seen is the only rule's to have fun and share something that hopefully someone will find interesting. This will also be a great avenue to share new products, up and coming classes as well as instore specials!

Sewers and quilters alike need to feed their fibre art addictions. But the great thing about having this type of addiction is that it isn't fattening, which speaks volumes! It won't cause a hangover (although it does tend to lead to sleepless nights) You are at least home with your family...even though you are held up in your sewing room while your family is eating TV dinners. Your not out cheating on your husband (hiding fabric under your shirt when you walk in the front door does not constitute cheating)and no if you can't find it, you do not count it as part of your stash! And men you can not forget that if "mama ain't happy....ain't nobody happy!" So encourage her to be her amazing creative self!In the end you will be rewarded
Whoow I am glad I got that off my chest!

So since this is my first entry on my brand new website I would like to start by thanking the one that created this amazing site, my oldest step-son Mike! Cutos to you!

I had my previous relic of a website for such a long time. And I recognize it was in desperate need of a face-lift! Last March 2009 just after we were celebrating our grandson Sean’s 1st birthday and Mike's 25th birthday, Mike tells me that he has been going on to my website and he couldn’t believe I had such an old fashion looking site. Those weren't his exact words....but we'll go with that for now. Then he went on to tell me all that was wrong with my website
At first I have to admit I was a little hurt. I mean at least I had a website. I was also a little embarrassed! It made me feel just a little old and out of the internet loop….But then I thought heck!.. I sell sewing machines and vacuums. I don't know anything about websites. So I asked is there anything he could do to help me with it?

Mike was taking a computer programming course at BCIT and before we new what hit us, a whole new website was emerging! What started as a facelift became an entirely new website! It has been a long haul and I am sure he has regretted bringing up my archaic site from time to time. But I hope in the end he is more proud than regretful.

His fiancée Maria was a huge help and inspiration as well. She spent countless hours cruising sewing and quilting sites to see what was the most pleasing to the eye, as well as being easy to manuver around for all us women who aren't so computer savy. She spent endless hours inputing a lot of the information that is found on this site. They really work as a great team! and since I seem to be in the mood to give thanks, I should also also thank my grandson Sean for his patience while mommy and daddy were doing all this work for his grammi!

In the end I think we are all very proud of our new website, and we hope you will enjoy it too! I am always looking for new products and techniques to share and my hope is that this will be a helpful tool for us all to expand on our creativity!