Saturday, March 14, 2015

Lot's of Great Sewing Classes starting in April!

Whether you are wanting to start right at the beginning learning to sew garments  or have a serger that you don't know what to do with, we'll have a serger boot-camp that is sure to whip you into "serger" shape!

We are currently having so much fun with "fiber art"
If you have a felting machine and want to get more out of it, you must take one of our embellishing workshops!

 Here is one of Linda Greene's current fiber pieces...too darn cute!

If you have a sewing machine with lots of stitches and you don't know what to do with them, then our "Stupendous Stitching" workshop will bring out your creative diva!

From learning the secrets to Hemming with Confidence - Buttons- Buttonholes - Zippers  to creating Pants that Fit & sew much more...check out our class schedule for all the details

Findlay's in Orchard Plaza
132-1876 Cooper Rd