Extended Entry Date for:
Findlay's 2013 Creative Summer
Sewing Challenge
Last year was our first "Creative Summer Sewing
Challenge" & I am really excited to see all the amazing entries for this
year challenge! I am hoping to make this an annual summer event!!
I am also excited to help raise funds for a cause near and dear to my heart.... "CIBC Run for the Cure"
I am also excited to help raise funds for a cause near and dear to my heart.... "CIBC Run for the Cure"
All registration fees collected will be donated to the CIBC Run For The Cure on your behalf
Creative Summer Sewing
Registration Rules
Registration Rules
There are very few restrictions for entering, as
far as what you create. We want to encourage your creativity.
Since these projects will be displayed in our store, and uploaded onto our face book page for viewing and voting, we do require that a minimum of 75% of products used to create your project entered, be purchased from Findlay's in Orchard Plaza.
Since these projects will be displayed in our store, and uploaded onto our face book page for viewing and voting, we do require that a minimum of 75% of products used to create your project entered, be purchased from Findlay's in Orchard Plaza.
Your project may be created in any of the following mediums
- Quilting
- Embroidery
- Fiber Art
- Heirloom
- Sewing
- Thread Painting
- Project size not to exceed 42" x 50"
Registration Fee is $20 per entry – You may enter up to one project in each category
Registration Period and Project Deadline
August 30 2013. Fill out registration form and pay your $20 per entry. Nice and easy. Project must be dropped off at Findlay’s in Orchard Plaza on or before 5:30 pm August 30 2013
It will be the public that votes for their top 3 choices in our store & on our facebook page during the month of August 2013
Draw Party:
Date & Time for event yet to be determined... info to follow
1st Place Prize:
Baby lock Grace Sewing Machine: including extension table, 1/4" foot, darning foot & walking foot. Retail value $1000.00 Perfect for taking to classes & retreats
Donated by: Lori Findlay-Mead & Baby Lock Canada
Some restrictions apply.
To offer a gift of this value we must have a minimum of 20 people registered for the sewing machine package to remain as first place prize
So encourage your creative friends to register as well!

2nd Place Prize:
Gift Basket of goodies valued -$500
3rd Place Prize:
Gift Basket valued -$300
1st Place Prize:
Baby lock Grace Sewing Machine: including extension table, 1/4" foot, darning foot & walking foot. Retail value $1000.00 Perfect for taking to classes & retreats
Donated by: Lori Findlay-Mead & Baby Lock Canada
Some restrictions apply.
To offer a gift of this value we must have a minimum of 20 people registered for the sewing machine package to remain as first place prize
So encourage your creative friends to register as well!

2nd Place Prize:
Gift Basket of goodies valued -$500
3rd Place Prize:
Gift Basket valued -$300
Last years winners
Place Deb Barnes
Place Laura Genn
Place Sherry Johnson
Vacuum &Sewing Machines
132-1876 Cooper Rd
In Orchard Plaza
132-1876 Cooper Rd
In Orchard Plaza