Here's your chance to sew something creative for summer with a lot of motivation to help you get going!
First Place Prize is a Baby lock Sewing & Embroidery Machine! How is that for motivation folks!
Plus: all registration fees are going to be donated to “CIBC Run for the Cure”
I present to you, the
That's right, it is time to get creative and enter to win some amazing prizes!
1.Sew something fun for summer in one of these 4 categories:
· Quilting
· Embroidery
· Fiber Art
· Heirloom
You may enter up to one item in each category.
2. Registration for
“Findlay’s Creative Summer Sewing Challenge” is:
June 25th – August 11th
Registration Fee is $20 per entry -
All monies collected will be donated to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Plus…. all registration fees are also tax deductible! It’s a win-win for everyone!
You can drop in or mail your registration fee to:
Findlay’s Vacuum & Sewing Machines
In Orchard Plaza
132-1876 Cooper Rd
Kelowna, B.C.
3. Deadline: Project must be dropped off at Findlay’s in Orchard Plaza on or before 5:00 pm August 11th
4. Voting: Will take place August 13th – 27th in the store as well as on our face book page
5. Draw Party: Wednesday August 29th...Time for event yet to be determined...info to follow
Project size not to exceed 42”x 50”
Special In-store discounts for all "Creative Sewing" Registries
There are very few restrictions for entering, as far as what you create.....but since these projects will be displayed in our store, & those viewing and voting will be insprired by your projects, we do require that a minimum of 75% of products used to create your project entery must be from Findlay's in Orchard Plaza
1st Place Prize: Baby lock Sofia 2 Sewing & Embroidery machine!
retail $1000.00
2nd Place: $300.00 gift basket
3rd Place: $150.00 gift basket
A randomly chosen winner in each category will receive a free gift valued at $50.00
Donation gifts have been generously provided by:
Babylock Canada, Contemporary Fabrics, Wonderfil Threads, Marathon Threads, Trend-tex Fabrics, NJeffersons & Tip Top Parts