It is hard to believe that there is only one month until Christmas! This year has seriously blown by! We have been getting the store decorations hung and our holiday specials organized.
There are a number of items that are going on special for the Christmas season.
Here is a little taste of some of our in store specials.
Here is a little taste of some of our in store specials.
The EQ6 Electric Quilt Software is an amazing piece of software designed for someone just starting to quilt, right up to someone that want to design very intricate quilts as well as incorporting your embroidery designs!
Even you hardly know how to use a computer, you can confidently use this software! I love how you can play with the thousands of designs they have within the program and combine those with your choice of colour palete and or fabric choices, to actually see what you quilt will look like before you have even started!
This retails for $229.95. But for the holiday season I have reduced the price to only $169.95!! But only while stock lasts ladies, so let Santa know! Because once my inventory is gone, so is the great price!

If you are someone that does a lot of applique quilting or just likes that professional look of properly pressed item, than the Elna Press is what you need! The Alize is a smaller Elnapress model, at a lower price, still providing all the benefits of using an Elnapress instead of a hand iron and at an affordable price.Stylishly designed to grace any home, it is made from only best materials ensuring both efficiency and durability.Retail price is $599.95. My holiday special is $249.95!
Until December 19th 2009
All of our in stock
Fabric by the Meter 40% off 3 or more 0ne Meter Cuts!
New products are being added to my website on a weekly bases. So don't forget to check back to it often!
To order any of the items displayed in my blog or on my website you can call 250-762-6468 or toll free 1-866-762-6468 or send me an email We gift wrap and ship as well!
Happy Sewing!
Lori Findlay-Mead